Effective July 1, 2021, schools will no longer issue work permits for minor employees (under age 18). Instead, employers who employ five or more minor employees (per location) will now be responsible for tracking and reporting minor-employee information via the state’s Youth Employment System (YES). Failure to comply with the new requirement may result in penalties up to $400 per infraction. YES is live now, and employers can begin using the system today to set up their accounts and start inputting their minor-employee information. Indiana employers are encouraged to test-drive it now and become familiar with YES before the new reporting requirement goes into effect on July 1. This change in Indiana youth-employment law will help make tracking and reporting youth-employment information more efficient and streamlined. The new YES requirement will not impact the state’s work-hour requirement for minors, and all employers must still comply with the Teen Work Hour Restrictions and Prohibited and Hazardous Occupation restrictions for minors.
For more information about YES and the new requirement, visit www.dol.in.gov/youthemployment.htm.
Join the Indiana Department of Labor for a special free webinar on June 15 at 11 a.m. ET discussing the new youth-employer requirements going into effect on July 1 and the Youth Employment System (YES) for tracking and reporting.